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Press Release

Countdown commences to flagship maritime event at COP28

24 November 2023


Photo credit: The Museum of the Future

Countdown commences to flagship maritime event at COP28

  • 在不到三周的时间里,海事和能源部门的领导人将与各国政府和供应链上的主要利益攸关方在哥本哈根召开会议 Shaping the Future of Shipping: Delivering a Net Zero World Summit in Dubai.
  • 峰会将汇集海事和能源高管和政策制定者,以确定和加速应对脱碳挑战的解决方案,并向COP28主席提供建议, a ministerial roundtable, and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
  • 旗舰海上活动将于2023年12月10日在阿拉伯联合酋长国能源和基础设施部的赞助下举行 Museum of the Future.

24 November 2023, London: 在不到三周的时间里,200多名海事和能源部门的领导人将与各国政府和供应链上的其他主要利益攸关方在COP28上举行会议 Shaping the Future of Shipping: Delivering a Net Zero World Summit in Dubai.

The Summit is the largest gathering of this kind to be held at a COP. 它将为整个价值链的跨部门利益相关者提供一个讨论雄心勃勃的平台, practical and actionable solutions to advance infrastructure, fuel availability, financing, 并阐述了如何为海事劳动力做好准备,以加速向低碳和零碳排放经济的过渡. 首脑会议将以COP28的讨论为基础,为该行业制定方向,并将向COP28主席和国际海事组织提出建议.

A host of high-profile names will be attending the cross-industry decarbonisation summit at COP28. Some of the confirmed attendees include: Kitack Lim, Secretary General, International Maritime Organization (IMO); Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary General Elect, International Maritime Organization; Melina Travlos, President, Union of Greek Shipowners and Chair, Neptune Shipping Lines; Bud Darr, EVP Maritime Policy and Government Affairs, MSC; Christopher J Wiernicki, ABS Chairman and CEO; Francesco La Camera, Director-General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); Sturla Henriksen, Special Advisor, Ocean, UN Global Compact, United Nations; Anders Hammer Strømman, Lead Author Transport 6th Assessment Report, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Emanuele Grimaldi, Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping; Professor Lynn Loo, CEO, Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation; Jeremy Nixon, CEO of ONE; Nikolaus H. Schuës, CEO, F. Laeisz and President BIMCO; and Nick Brown, CEO of Lloyd’s Register.

旗舰海事活动将于12月10日在未来博物馆举行,并将在阿拉伯联合酋长国能源和基础设施部的赞助下举办. 该活动由领先的航运业机构联盟组织,由国际航运协会(ICS)协调。, in partnership with the Emirates Shipping Association.

Professor Lynn Loo, CEO, Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, commented:

IRENA预计,到2050年,至少50%的低碳燃料交易将通过航运运输. 这表明,在我们进行能源转型的过程中,能源和交通部门之间存在着至关重要的联系. 在COP28上举行的塑造航运未来峰会将汇集能源和运输部门的领导人和利益攸关方,共同努力实现国际海事组织2050年的脱碳目标以及2030年和2040年的指示性检查点.”

Christopher J Wiernicki, ABS Chairman and CEO, added:

“最终,航运将成为所有相关供应链建立的基石. Shipping will be the vehicle for the transition. 在全球齐聚一堂参加第28届联合国气候变化大会(COP28)之际,在迪拜举办塑造航运未来峰会,以应对脱碳这一具有时代意义的挑战, ICS确保航运业的声音在最高层得到倾听,并确保我们的行业在全球能源转型中占据核心地位.”

联合国全球契约海洋事务特别顾问Sturla Henriksen补充道:

“Decarbonizing shipping is key to decarbonizing global trade. The Summit will bring together leaders from industry, 各国政府和国际监管机构应对取得成功所需的紧急和协调努力.”

Emanuele Grimaldi, Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping and Managing Director, Grimaldi Group, added:

“All plans for decarbonisation cannot happen without shipping. 为了使世界脱碳,航运业不仅需要在谈判桌上占有一席之地,还需要成为对话的一部分. In order to meet our decarbonisation goals, 至关重要的是,整个价值链上的所有利益相关者都必须共同努力,以确保就我们未来面临的挑战达成切实可行的解决方案. We need to act now, 这次重要的峰会将是为所有人开启可持续和公平未来的关键.”

Anders Hammer Strømman, Lead Author Transport 6th Assessment Report, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Norway, commented:

“Rapid and far-reaching transitions across all sectors, including shipping, 是否有必要实现深度和持续的减排,并为所有人确保一个宜居和可持续的未来.”

Nick Brown, CEO of Lloyd’s Register, added:

“While there is much focus on zero-carbon solutions and fuels, 我们的行业现在可以通过利用运营效率来推动改进, optimising performance and by investing in our existing fleet of vessels. 我们在应对未来挑战方面的共同成功将取决于我们与整个海运价值链的利益相关者合作的能力,以迎接能源转型带来的机遇. 第二十八届缔约方会议“塑造航运的未来”将是一个重要论坛,让政策制定者和国际领导人参与评估为实现迅速接近的2030年国际航运温室气体年排放总量减少至少20%的目标所需采取的紧急行动, striving for 30%.”

Shaping the Future of Shipping: Delivering a Net Zero World is an industry initiative. The summit’s lead sponsors are Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and MSC. For the full list of sponsors and partners, who are making it possible for the high-profile summit to take place, please click here.


Notes to editors:

有关“塑造航运未来峰会:实现零净世界”的完整议程,请点击 here.

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